Tom Valdez
I posted about this in 2015. Isiah 11:6 The lion shall lay down with the lamb. The shocker is now it says the wolf will lay down with the lamb. So what has changed this? The key is Revelations 22:18-19. God warned us about those that would change the Word of God. What do you remember?

I was wondering when someone was going to mention the Lion and the Lamb. To effect this change it would have to have been done back in before 1611.
What we see as the Mandela effect is the ripple that was caused by “Powers That Be” making changes to the KJV. In Revelations God warned of what the punish would be for anyone who changes the book, Revelations.
The Isaiah 11:6 change also caused changes Revelations. Logos changed because when the decision was made again it was different from the original time line we remember.
I believe that time travel is the cause of the Mandela Effect. Satan’s minions are at work changing the word of God so as to ensure the great deception and coming to power of the Anti-Christ. When everyone turns to their bible for guidance, it is the Wolf that lies with the Lamb.
The Wolf is and always has been evil of this world. It is their check mate move. Each mission to change passages of the bible causes minor decisions to be different each time. Remember that in Satan’s code they first must tell us what they are doing to us.
So Hollywood creates TV series that hides the truth in the story line. So with that said look at the new program Timeless on NBC. Each mission they go on changes something when they get back.

Why would the above picture of a lion and a lamb have the Bible text that reads “the wolf shall dwell with the lamb”???
And why would the statues below portray the lion laying with the lamb, and NOT THE WOLF LAYING WITH THE LAMB – if it never existed???

Thanks to the research done by Mandela Bible Changes
Thanks to the research done by Mandela Bible Changes