Stephan’s Victory December 2010

I received this email in reply to the link that I posted to website. This is the original story and post. Subject: spiritual attachmentsHi Tom,

Please excuse me, but I have two demonic attachments. I have had one of them since childhood and the other attached to me from a client that I had helped.

I have been to several people that specialize in this, they have used the name of Christ, but I still have them.

I’m not sure how they affect me; I do my best to live a Christian life.

I ask you for your help. I have had so many failed attempts that I have lost my faith.

Stephen Submitted By: Stephen 

My Reply To: Stephen
Subject: RE: spiritual attachmentsDate: Saturday, December 4, 2010

Please do not hesitate to give me a call so we can talk.

Also read all the pages on my website 

Tom Valdez 

Stephan setup a time to talk on the phone. My son was present when Stephan called and we both talked to him. We talked about his story and what he was dealing with. I said the prayer with my son’s participation. After that we talked about his daughter’s ability demonic entities. Also that she would be able to tell if the pray had worked. His daughter was to visit him soon from college. I asked him to email with more details about his daughter. 

To: Tom Valdez
Subject: RE: spiritual attachments 

Hi Tom,My daughter has quite the ability, she sees demons, departed lost spirits and she can “get into their heads”. She knows what they are up to, but she fears using her God given talents. If she gets too close they can attach to her then it takes a few days of “hassle” to get them off. That is why she fears helping me and others. 

Rock music, vulgar TV programs, public schools, prisons and hospitals attract them. She describes jails like a “hornet’s nest’ of them coming and going. There are homosexual demons. Demons can make people physically sick. 

This was a constant source of conflict within the home, as her sisters would play unwholesome music and she would tell them of the 2 or 3 demons it attracted. Her sisters don’t want to accept it. I don’t allow the foul music, and when I find their CD’s I break them and then they accuse me of interfering with their “free will”, which then caused conflicts between my ex-wife as she supported their insolence. This would also attract more demons, they love conflicts. 

She can spot those that practice witchcraft and Satanists, because she can see if the person wants the demons or does not want them, or is not even aware of the attachments. Not all Satanists have attachments. 

The Satanists have made her several offers to join, and Satan himself tried to recruit her; he offered her wealth and worldwide fame.  But she knows he is the father of all lies. Satan does not have horns and a pointy tail. He looks like a well groomed business man, pleasant and attractive. 

We had a demon in our home that loved to play computer games, it would turn on the computer and we could see the keys being pressed. We got rid of that one with prayer. She later told us of another ugly demon and when she was home alone it began slamming the cupboards and drawers like in a horror movie. It became angry because she exposed his presence. We also got rid of that one. 


I then emailed Stephen to find out how he was doing. Whether our pray was successful on the first try. 

To: Stephen
Subject: RE: spiritual attachments 

How did your meeting with your daughter go? 

Are you free or are you still locked in a battle? 

Tom Valdez 

Stephan gave this reply after his daughter had come to see him. 

To: Tom Valdez
Subject: RE: spiritual attachments 

Hi Tom, 

My daughter came by today and I’m happy. We got rid of one of them, the bigger one that was on my left shoulder. I felt something lift off, but I was not sure if it was just my imagination. So it’s confirmed, got rid of the one that has been on me since childhood.


Thanks Tom and son, Stephen 

Hearing the news of the great victory this was my reply. To: Stephen
Subject: RE: spiritual attachments 


Great is the Lord Jesus and all the glory is to our Lord. 

Keep in touch with me.  I believe you told me about a second entity, tell me about it. 

I would love to talk with your daughter, as the power that the Lord has given her to see the unseen world is very powerful. 

Without the ability to see the unseen demonic forces we fight blind. 

The prayer to cast demonic forces into the abyss is one of the greatest gifts the Lord Jesus has revealed to my family. 

The prayer must be passed on to those in need.  Please use it for all those that you love and meet.  And pass it on. 

Call me if you know or meet anyone that needs my help to say the prayer for them. See you in the Lord Jesus’ Kingdom to come. 

Tom Valdez

This was Stephens’s reply.

To: Tom Valdez
Subject: RE: spiritual attachments 

Hi Tom, After I emailed you, my daughter called and told me that the entity on my back is there because of my choice to bear the burden. I asked her, What burden, what choice? She said that she didn’t look long enough to tell. She doesn’t like looking too closely. 

She has a powerful gift; I wish she would use it to help others. The Lord gave it to her for a reason. I have never heard of anybody that can see all that she can see. Perhaps now is not her time. But I wish she would speak and learn from others with experience of clearing away the dark forces, because when it is her time, we may not be able to communicate with others that have experience. 

I will copy your prayer as you offer.

